Install CFLs to Save
Borrow a Kill-A-Watt Meter
Programmable Thermostats
Students for Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy in the News

Most schools spend more money on energy each year than on school supplies. Your school does not need to. You can lower your school's energy bills and redirect millions of dollars each year into facilities, teachers' salaries, computers, textbooks and more, simply by using energy efficiently and by installing energy-efficient equipment. For example, energy-efficient lighting and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems typically reduce annual utility bills by an average of 20%.

Success Story: Pocatello Community Charter School - Learn more about how PCCS is using wind and solar to teach & save.
Rebates & Incentives - Use your zip code to find out about special offers or rebates on qualified products in your area.
Energy Saving Tips - The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) provides energy savings tips for businesses.
EnergySmart Schools - Information to help school leaders plan, finance, design, build, and operate energy-efficient school buildings.
Idaho Office of Energy Resources - Provides access to technical assistance, educational materials and a range of no-cost services.
Idaho Power's Educational Resources - Scholarships, presentations, and a new program '"Students for Energy Efficiency."
Solar 4R Schools - Small-scale solar-electric systems are installed on school properties to educate k-12 students.
Just for Kids - Information from the U.S. Energy Information Adminsitration for kids on using and saving energy.






Conserve Pocatello is a program sponsored by the City of Pocatello
A Municipal Corporation of Idaho © 2010. All Rights Reserved
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